INS: FEATURED INTERVIEW: Achieving CX Perfection - Is it Possible?
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Dennis winkler Vineeta Kumar

Customer expectations are changing across all industries and insurance faces it’s own set up complexities and challenges. With technology leading the way in everything from personalization to data protection, how do you ensure you are adopting the right platforms to meet your customers at their point of need. Vineeta Kumar of Hitachi Digital Solutions will speak with ISG’s Dennis Winkler to discuss the opportunities and challenges that you will face to achieve CX perfection.

Location Name
Full Address
etc.venues 360 Madison
360 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10017
United States
Session Type
Featured Presentation
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Data Transformation, Automation & AI: Gaining Insight to Enhance the Customer Experience
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